
Congatudo is so great, but its home assistant integration miss out some good sensors like the time, area and tank fill percentage.

With this guide, you are going to learn how to create virtual sensor to get the cleaning time and tank percentage based on this time.



  1. Create one input date time helper. In this example the helper will be called RobotStartCleaningTime, being an date and time helper, so the id of this helper will be: input_datetime.robotstartcleaningtime

  2. In the configuration file, we are going to create three sensors

    1. All history cleaning time ```yaml
      • platform: history_stats name: Conga Cleaning entity_id: vacuum.conga state: ‘cleaning’ type: time start: “” end: ‘’ ``` With the entity_id for you vacuum robot and the helper you created before
    2. Tank virtual sensor, based on the cleaning time stats and conga cleaning in time ```yaml
      • platform: template sensors: conga_cleaning_time: friendly_name: “Conga Cleaning Time” value_template: “” conga_tank_percentage: friendly_name: “Conga Tank Percentage” value_template: “0” ``` This conga_tank_percentage is valid for my tank based on rule how many minutes cleaning the tank needs to be full . Do the maths for your needs
    3. Now, you are able to use this sensor in some card or even better, to trigger some automation


Open source cloud replacement for Conga vacuum robots enabling local-only operation

View the Project on GitHub congatudo/Congatudo


Getting Started Why Congatudo? Congatudo or Valetudo Supported Robots Buying supported robots Donate to the proyect


Home Assistant installation Docker installation Standalone installation


Capabilities Overview

Companion Apps

Valetudo Companion (Android) Valetudo Tray Companion (Windows) Valeronoi Lovelace Valetudo Map Card I can't believe it's not Valetudo node-red-contrib-valetudo Fun & Games


MQTT Home Assistant Node-RED openHAB


Conga, Files to backup Troubleshooting Empower your Conga voice Add SSH Key Hey Google Clean My Room Get area and time in Home Assistant from Congatudo Clean me Time and Tank Virtual Sensors


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