Getting Started

This page shall help you start using Congatudo.

You may also want to read the Why Congatudo? and Congatudo or Valetudo? pages before continuing with this guide.

Table of Contents

  1. Choosing a robot
  2. Connect the robot to your local network
  3. Get root access in your Conga
  4. Choose an install method

Choosing a robot

First, you’ll need to acquire a supported robot. There are many ways to do that, but usually they involve you paying money. To not waste all that hard-earned money, please make sure to thoroughly read the buying supported robots docs page. There’s also the supported robots page, which features remarks for each device to further help you decide on what to buy.

Please refrain from buying any random robot just to then ask how we can make Congatudo on that thing happen.

Connect the robot to your local network

First, you need to have your robot connected througth your wifi to get shell access. If you already have it, you can jumpthis section, otherwise, you can use the agnoc tool form your computer to establish the connection.

$ npm install -g @agnoc/cli 
$ agnoc wlan <wifissid> <pass>

Another option that we do NOT recommend is to use the Cecotec app to connect it.

Get root access in your Conga

  1. Check that you have SSH installed and working in your computer (Linux/MacOS by default, use Putty in Windows)
  2. You have to find out the IP address of your Conga (see this guide on how to)
  3. Open an ssh connection to your Conga (change the 192.168.x.x for your Conga’s IP address):
     PC:~ $ ssh [email protected]

    and when you get the login prompt, type root and then the password depending on your model:

    • for 3090: 3irobotics
    • for 3x90, 4090 & 5490: @3I#sc$RD%xm^2S&
  4. You should see something like this: Tina-Linux
  5. Now, it would be a good practice to:

Choose an install method

Now, depending on your needs, you can choose between the Home Assistant addon, Docker or Standalone installation method.


Open source cloud replacement for Conga vacuum robots enabling local-only operation

View the Project on GitHub congatudo/Congatudo


Getting Started Why Congatudo? Congatudo or Valetudo Supported Robots Buying supported robots Donate to the proyect


Home Assistant installation Docker installation Standalone installation


Capabilities Overview

Companion Apps

Valetudo Companion (Android) Valetudo Tray Companion (Windows) Valeronoi Lovelace Valetudo Map Card I can't believe it's not Valetudo node-red-contrib-valetudo Fun & Games


MQTT Home Assistant Node-RED openHAB


Conga, Files to backup Troubleshooting Empower your Conga voice Add SSH Key Hey Google Clean My Room Get area and time in Home Assistant from Congatudo Clean me Time and Tank Virtual Sensors


Building and Modifying Congatudo Congatudo core concepts MQTT