Congatudo core concepts


If you’re interacting with Congatudo, chances are, that you will see some of these. These things are designed to be serialized and sent to the UI, the MQTT interface etc.




Basically everything Map-related can be broken down in two Categories each of which a Map can have many of. The Map itself keeps track of its size, the pixel size of its layers and various metadata.

Everything is int. Coordinates and size are in cm.

Since we’re dealing with 2d graphics, the origin can found in the top-left corner


A MapLayer is an array of pixels in a 2d space. Examples include Walls, Floors and Rooms.

Each MapLayer of a Map shares the coordinate space and pixel Size (in cm) of its Map.


Map Entities are everything that is expressed with coordinates such as Go-To Markers, Virtual walls, Paths or no-go areas.

While there are many different types of MapEntities, they are all basically just an bunch of coordinates with some descriptive metadata.



A running Congatudo instance has exactly one of these instances.

It’s a thing which wraps State and Capabilities together. Furthermore, it of course chooses the right capabilities for the robot Congatudo is running on.


Capabilities are the base class for everything a robot can do which solves the problem that different robots may support different subsets of all of the vendors possible features which would be hard to implement by simple inheritance.

There’s always a generic base class for each feature (e.g. GoToLocationCapability) which is extended by multiple vendor-specific implementations (e.g. RoborockGoToLocationCapability).

Capabilities may only be implemented fully so that we can be certain, that a Robot with a GoToLocationCapability will always be able to do everything the GoToLocationCapability. Therefore, its better to split some features into separate Capabilities, since it’s always possible for a robot to have multiple capabilities but never only half of one.


ValetudoEvents are basically what you would get as a push notification when using the regular software. Examples include “Dustbin Full” or “Consumable depleted”.

These ValetudoEvents can be interacted with using a set of pre-defined interactions such as “OK”, “Cancel” or “Reset”. Not every interaction is possible with every event. You can’t “No” a dustbin full event. I mean.. I guess you could, but..

ValetudoEvents either have a static ID in cases where there can be only one of it (you can only have one new Map at a time) or just a UUID for things that may happen multiple times (e.g. an error). Newer Events with the same ID will replace older events.

If an interaction with an event was successful, Congatudo will set the Events processed flag to true. This shall be understood as the annoying red notification dot vanishing while still keeping the event to check back later and make sure that it still says that the dustbin was full.

ValetudoEvents may also be raised by anything that may either asynchronously require user action or wants to document an ephemeral thing/state.


Open source cloud replacement for Conga vacuum robots enabling local-only operation

View the Project on GitHub congatudo/Congatudo


Getting Started Why Congatudo? Congatudo or Valetudo Supported Robots Buying supported robots Donate to the proyect


Home Assistant installation Docker installation Standalone installation


Capabilities Overview

Companion Apps

Valetudo Companion (Android) Valetudo Tray Companion (Windows) Valeronoi Lovelace Valetudo Map Card I can't believe it's not Valetudo node-red-contrib-valetudo Fun & Games


MQTT Home Assistant Node-RED openHAB


Conga, Files to backup Troubleshooting Empower your Conga voice Add SSH Key Hey Google Clean My Room Get area and time in Home Assistant from Congatudo Clean me Time and Tank Virtual Sensors


Building and Modifying Congatudo Congatudo core concepts MQTT