Supported Robots

This page features an autogenerated overview of all robots supported by Congatudo including their supported capabilities.
To find out what those do, check out the capabilities overview section of the docs.

You also might want to take a look at the Buying supported robots page.

This is just the autogenerated overview because it’s hard to write documentation for everything and keep that up to date.
Keep in mind that rooting instructions will differ for each of these or might not even be available at all.

There’s also some more information regarding whether or not you should buy a specific robot below the table.

The recommended Congatudo binary architectures armv7, armv7-lowmem and aarch64 are also listed for every robot. Even though armv7 binaries work on aarch64 robots, using the correct binary for your robot is recommended.

This is just an autogenerated overview based on the codebase at the time of generation.
Don’t take this as “Everything listed here will be 100% available and work all the time”.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Cecotec
    1. Conga


Capability Conga
BasicControlCapability Yes
CarpetModeControlCapability Yes
CombinedVirtualRestrictionsCapability Yes
ConsumableMonitoringCapability Yes
CurrentStatisticsCapability Yes
DoNotDisturbCapability Yes
FanSpeedControlCapability Yes
GoToLocationCapability Yes
LocateCapability Yes
ManualControlCapability Yes
MapResetCapability Yes
MapSegmentEditCapability Yes
MapSegmentRenameCapability Yes
MapSegmentationCapability Yes
PendingMapChangeHandlingCapability Yes
PersistentMapControlCapability Yes
SpeakerTestCapability Yes
SpeakerVolumeControlCapability Yes
WaterUsageControlCapability Yes
ZoneCleaningCapability Yes



Congatudo Support


Developer Support

best effort

Tested Working

This model has issues and therefore isn’t recommended (see comment)



Try to avoid using Cecotec stuff, please

This model supports the following capabilities:

This page has been autogenerated.
Autogeneration timestamp: 2023-12-30T18:58:50.918Z


Open source cloud replacement for Conga vacuum robots enabling local-only operation

View the Project on GitHub congatudo/Congatudo


Getting Started Why Congatudo? Congatudo or Valetudo Supported Robots Buying supported robots Donate to the proyect


Home Assistant installation Docker installation Standalone installation


Capabilities Overview

Companion Apps

Valetudo Companion (Android) Valetudo Tray Companion (Windows) Valeronoi Lovelace Valetudo Map Card I can't believe it's not Valetudo node-red-contrib-valetudo Fun & Games


MQTT Home Assistant Node-RED openHAB


Conga, Files to backup Troubleshooting Empower your Conga voice Add SSH Key Hey Google Clean My Room Get area and time in Home Assistant from Congatudo Clean me Time and Tank Virtual Sensors


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